Sunday 10 July 2011

Little Dragon

All the good music seems to be coming from Sweden these days! I say ALL...there's Lykke Li and 
Gothenburg based band Little Dragon! They have been growing since 2007 but i am sad to say i only discovered them today! Their Front woman Yukimi Nagano is in my opinion somewhat of a "style icon"! 
The members of the band are all High School friends!   
The band are named after Yukimi's Nickname, she has a picture of a dragon all down her back too!
Hope you like...unless you've already heard it and i'm light-years behind! Tell me if I am!

Love the space themed promo pics!

Friday 8 July 2011

One Lovely Blog Award!

Thank you so much to who nominated me for The One Lovely Blog Award!  

For the One Lovely Blog Award:
thank and link the blogger who has given you the award,
copy and paste the logo in your blog,
share 7 things about yourself,
nominate 15 other great bloggers (but not the one who nominated you)
comment and let them know of the award,   

For the One Lovely Blog Award:
thank and link the blogger who has given you the award,
copy and paste the logo in your blog,
share 7 things about yourself,
nominate 15 other great bloggers (but not the one who nominated you)
comment and let them know of the award,

7 things about myself...

1) I could never spend an entire holiday sunbathing on a beach(although i love Eastbourne!), I love going on city breaks to places like Barcelona, Amsterdam and London. I love the style, culture, art, foods and music of all of these places!
2)I have never eaten a McDonald's Burger,if I ever go I have Chicken Nuggets!! (although i had a bad experience with them!)
3)I love making collages, Time Out London is the best for collages but vogue and The Guardian are good too! I wouldn't cut up a magazine like Dazed or i-D because (as pretentious as it sounds)they're too much like works of art!
4)My Favourite musicians are Johnny Cash, Lykee Li, Foster the People, Johnny Kidd and the Pirates, Johnny Slut, Steve Harley-Cockney Rebel and of course Nigel Lewis(Mon Pere!)
5)My Fashion idol is Edie Sedgewick...
6)...Therefore My favourite film must be Factory Girl! I love it because of the visuals, soundtrack and acting. 
7) I Live in a small town in the Scottish Borders an hour out of Edinburgh but I used to live in London!  

Here are the 15 bloggers I was tough!  

1) Blush & Zero
2)Style After Dark.
3)Purple Wolf Pretty Sheep
4)Make Shift Model
5)Steffys Pros and Cons
7)IL piccolo MONDO CRI
8)If you feel this.
10)55th Street
11)My Outer Values
13)Victoria Marmalade
14)Project Adoration
15)Dainty Fashion

Thank you again!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Interview:Nigel Lewis ნაიჯელ


Nigel Lewis is the "God Father" of Psychobilly and the Father of me! He has always been a cult, underground artist and found fame on the London scene, his acclaim has travelled around most of the world, he has toured around France, Spain, Germany, America and Brazil amongst other places. Do not be fooled by the name Psychobilly, people are often duped by the title into thinking that it is horror or psychotic.  To be psycho is to be thinking about just oneself and to be self-centred.(so nearly everyone could be described as psycho!) Psychobilly is based on Rockabilly... what was meant by the name was that rather than try to be a 50's rockabilly like Jody Reynolds bring something  of yourself to the music to make it current.


How did you first get into music?  
I was always into music, and i always particularly liked country and Rock and Roll. When i was eight my Mum and Dad were having a party and i heard a record through the walls which i later found out was Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison, I remember liking the beat. I also liked Buddy Holly and thought that if you could put the two styles together it would be really good. When i was 14 i went to the London Lyceum for a 50's Rock and Roll gig, i was expecting to hear Bill Hayley, Chuck Berry etc. but the DJ was playing Rockabilly which i had never heard before but somehow knew i had always liked.

What advice would you give to anybody starting out?
The main advice I would give to anybody starting out in music is to get good business management.

What was the highlight of your career?
Was probably touring with The Cramps in 1981 because they were my favourite band at the time and it was like touring with your hero. Also it was a time when all the possibilities were still there, before cynicism, disappointment and the likes set in.

What is the funniest thing that's ever happened to you?
*Laughs*There was a certain drummer, I wont name his name, who, lets say, lost control of his body!  we had to play the full set...luckily for him he was wearing leather trousers! We got on the the boat and he hung them out of the window...he was then foolish enough to come and tell everyone!

What Have you been up to recently? 
I've Just got back from Brazil, we had a very interesting journey, the journey actually took longer than the time we were there but we had a great time eating steaks  and playing with Loretta Lynn...the dog! We had a great gig.

The phone on which i recorded the interview ran out o battery so i'l just give you the gist of what he said next!

At the end of this year The Tall Boys will be reforming in Antwerp after 13 years since the last time they reformed! 

Buy your tickets now!

Rockabilly hair on the runway at Bottega Veneta
Could this be             Moschino Menswear 2010     Jody Reynolds
modern day Rockabilly?
Bottega Veneta Menswear 2010                          

  The Tall Boys album cover                  The Meteors   

Lykke Li

Lykke Li is a Swedish singer that i have liked ever since her new album Wounded Rhymes came out on April 1st 2011. The whole album is amazing but visually this particular video is really  interesting. The record was produced by Peter, Bjorn and Johns Björn Yttling. 
Lykke Li's style is pretty, layered and paired down yet busy. She has become somewhat of a cult style and music icon and her fame is growing to a wider audience. She is going to be touring round Britain, the Swedish it-girl will be visiting the ABC in Glasgow and the London roundhouse.|13337|lykke%20li||S|b|9366219468   

Here are some pictures of her in Swedish Elle

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Elite Model Look Modelling Contest. 07/07/11

Gisele Bundchen

     What do these three women have in common?

All of them took their first steps in fashion because of Elite Model Look. EML is a world renowned Modelling Contest. The catwalk becomes a global stage for the models to be spotted by agencies, photographers and designers alike. "Every year Elite Model Look Teams travel the world in the search of the top models of the future." Elite Model Look was created in 1983.
Tomorrow 7th July from 3-7pm they will be scouting Girls and Boys at Hi-Sushi Camden Lock!  
Good luck to anybody that applies.   


 Last Years Winner:Emma McTaggart

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Here is a collage I made on Picasa 3, it's an amazing tool and would be-a mon avis-a really good header for a blog however i'm too much of a Luddite to know how to get it smaller so it can fit. Forgive me and enjoy it in Post form!
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Scottish Academy of Fashion Exhibition.

The Scottish Academy had an exhibition in Edinburgh on the 1st till the 3rd of july. In the exhibition they were showcasing works of  the most talented fashion, Knitwear and Print students from all over Scotland. Here are some of the pictures i took...

 There are so Many More Photos Just click on read more.